Thursday, November 09, 2006

Fa freddo. Finally.

I am officially registered for winter quarter 2007 at SCU… crazy. Getting into my classes was really easy because I have to take a bunch of classes with freshmen (since I decided my international business minor pretty late down the line). Meeh, oh well, new friends? Heh.

The first half of Italian today was really enjoyable. Wednesdays are “culture day” and today we all had to present to the class about an Italian person that we interviewed sometime over the past two months that we’ve been here. Marilena and I didn’t really feel like branching out and we interviewed our host brother and dad. Last night. We made up some stories about them to make our presentations a little bit more entertaining for the class. Alessandro loved it and HOPEFULLY he’ll break out of his give-Tera-a-B-no-matter-how-hard-she-tries trend and will give me an A… hopefully.

In printmaking today I threatened a boy that was teasing me about having to fix my zinc plate. I literally told him that if what he had to say to me was something stupid, he shouldn’t say it at all because if he did I was going to sock him in the face. I was really frustrated today because I was having difficulties repairing the mistake I made a few weeks ago and my whole class knew it. However, I think my teacher likes me because I really do try hard in that class. I ask a lot of questions (because um, when I signed up for this class I didn’t have a CLUE about what printmaking even was) and he’s always very patient with me; I think he appreciates that I care about learning all the details of it. I dunno.

A blog-worthy event that happened in our house today: Kike was in the living room sewing something on the sewing machine so, since I always want to know everything about everyone, I asked him what he was making. His response? “I make Manuel pants and Luca see them and get jealous. So now I make same pants for Luca.” Can I just throw out a little reminder that Manuel is 21 and Luca is 25? Oh AND (even better) the pants Luca was jealous of are some black, linen, capris. HAHAHAHAHA, it was classic.

Marilena and I haven’t had hot water in our shower for four days now but she and I are both too scared to tell Kike and Susana about it… the water isn’t just “not hot” either; it is the temperature of freshly melted snow. I couldn’t stop shaking afterwards and had to get into my bed under all my covers, completely naked and still wet, for about 30 minutes in order to warm up!

I think Susana is losing her mind because she always hangs Manuel’s clothes in our room to dry then forgets about them. Anyways, I noticed there were a bunch of really comfy looking, wintery, socks soooo I figured that since they’ve been in our room for almost a month now I might as well adopt them as mine. Yup… right now I’m sitting here typing this wearing my host brother’s socks and they’re so warm and nice that I never plan on giving them back. :)


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