Wednesday, November 08, 2006


October 31

We arrived in Barcelona at 7:30AM. I felt like crap. I slept total of maybe an hour because the lady sleeping in the bed next to me was creeping me out AND snoring louder than my dad. Our sleeping room on the train was about the size of the third-class rooms in the movie TITANIC. One person could stand at a time. My bags didn’t fit on the luggage rack so I had to use them as a pillow for the entire trip to Barcelona… it was really really uncomfortable. At one point during the night, I got up to go to the bathroom (which was really gross and smelly) and came back to find the door to our room locked… ehhhh. Hello? I was sitting in the hallway at 3AM knocking for about 10 minutes until creepy lady woke up and let me in.

When we got to the train station, we dragged ourselves to the metro and headed toward our hostel. Thank god it was super easy to find since none of our brains or bodies were functioning correctly from lack of sleep (even though Kate and Marilena both took night-time Nyquil for the ride… I shouldn’t have passed it up).

We arrived so early to our hostel that we weren’t allowed to go to our rooms yet so we rolled ourselves a few blocks away to the nearest McDonald’s to hang out in. We got there so early that they hadn’t really even opened yet. McD’s was a bad idea since they didn’t have comfy chairs so after 15 minutes of sitting there we moved across the street to Starbucks.

For 45 minutes I was passed out in a couch-like chair. Seriously, I was out cold. I musta looked like a homeless person… oh wait, I just looked at Marilena’s picture that she TOOK of me while I was sleeping and I DID look like a homeless person. I didn’t care at the time though… I felt like crap and my nap gave me some needed energy to get through the next hour.

After feeling like we were being annoying in Starbucks for taking up chairs but not ordering anything we decided to waste some time in the internet café. When in doubt, play on the internet? It lasted only 30 minutes before we decided to head towards El Corte Ingles… as we walked we prayed not to see any SCUers (since we looked like greasy zombies). Well, we ran into two. It was embarrassing. The three of us looked like shit. They informed us that the IES campus that all the SCUers go to school at was two blocks in the direction we were walking and if we didn’t want to see anyone, we should STOP walking that way. We ran the rest of the way to Corte Ingles in with our heads down… if we saw people they def didn’t see us cuz we were big greasy blurs.

At Corte Ingles we made another go at buying costumes for that night and actually got somewhere. Our plan was to dress at the Fanta Girls. We decided that the multi-colored trashbags we found would make potentially good dresses. So we bought about 20 rolls of bags in each of our prospective colors, a roll of saran-wrap, and a roll of tape... it was going to be the cheapest Halloween costume of my life. It was brilliant.

We headed back to the hostel and sat around for another hour waiting for our room to be cleaned then were finally able to take our MUCH needed siesta. It lasted about 3 hours… I felt a billion times better afterwards. Our fourth travel buddy, Amelia, showed up during nap-time (with a backpack that was the size of an average-sized person)! It was so exciting! She spent the first part of her break visiting friends in Germany and was now scheduled to stay with us for the rest of the time in Barcelona and Budapest. Marianne also stopped by to say hi! Haha, I love her and her creepiness.

Then came Halloween costume time. For a good two hours we tried our hardest to make really cool, but street appropriate dresses out of trash bags. It was like an episode of Project Runway in our room… well, a Project Runway gone retarded. Note to everyone: wearing plastic bags is really really really complicated (cuz they rip VERY easily…). After the first half hour of attempted costume making, the fifth of vodka and 6-pack of Diet Red Bull came out. It all kinda went downhill from there. Eventually our room had four drunk girls, laying on the floor in their underwear, surrounded by shredded, multi-colored, trash bags. Eventually we threw in the towel completely and decided that Halloween 2006 was going to be a costume-less one. With the final drops of sobriety in us we put on clothes, loaded on the make-up, and headed out for the night.

After causing a ruckus in the metro by walking the wrong way through the turn-stiles, and taking pictures with the hottest model ever (that was on billboards in every single metro) we started our walk to Marianne’s apartment for a little bit of pre-partying. She claimed her apartment was “really close to the metro stop…” well, it was so far away that we felt it was necessary to stop at Asia (I can call it that cuz I’m Asian :) ) to buy some more vodka. We found a fifth that cost only 5 euro -- dun dun dun, this was a very bad drunken decision of us (a little bit of foreshadowing for you…).

After reunioning with a bunch of SCUers and Phi’s we headed to our next destination. I guess it was a guy named Travis’ (yes, another SCU guy that I’ve never met before; surprise surprise) 12:01 that night so he and his roommates were having a party for him at their apartment. After another “short walk,” and a trip up a million flights of stairs we got to their apartment which was already out of control with people (half SCU and half strangers). We got so much crap for not having costumes that we huddled in the kitchen and broke into our 5 euro bottle of vodka.

From that point on I don’t have much to report. I vaguely remember something about Amelia warning us that the drink she made us was ridiculously strong (but not believing her cuz when I drank it I could hardly taste the alcohol – that’s always a bad sign), the Spanish police being called and having to leave the guys’ apartment, walking down a never-ending street for about an hour towards Las Ramblas (but never making it), Amelia spilling her vodka with a little bit of Fanta all over my feet, Marilena’s friend Dave being drunk, our posse being drunk, getting lost from the Spain group we were walking with… It was around the third mile of walking when I realized I had lost my cell phone and Marilena broke her sandal and was now walking around Spain with only one shoe on that she and I decided to call it a night. We hailed a cab and 5 minutes later were back at our hostel. It was midnight. Um. The end. That’s all I want to say about Halloween 2006.


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