Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Laura!

Today’s Laura’s 21st birthday – yay! I love birthdays, even when it’s not my own. Marilena and I spent the better half of this morning trying to track her down because we were so excited about the present we got her. On Sunday I spent 5 hours in the library drawing her a poster titled “Twenty-One Fun Things to Do On Your 21st Birthday (the day before your midterm in a country where turning 21 means nothing).” Notgonnalie, I’m quite proud of how it turned out AND she totally deserved it! It felt good to draw again because I really haven’t had a lot of free time for stuff like that.

Marilena and I also got her 21 Kinder Eggs. Hahaha… ok. Kinder Eggs are hollow chocolate eggs with a really cool prize on the inside and even though the chocolate isn’t that great, the prizes are always awesome (she got me hooked on them when we were in Belgium). I DID, however, feel really retarded walking up to the counter of a bar this morning with 21 eggs in my hands falling all over the place but, hey, it was worth it. PLUS this morning Marilena (while procrastinating on the way to school) bought her a really beautiful little pillow case from the outside market right by our house. Hehe, a pillow case full of chocolate eggs; i swear we’re really mature… :) Happy Birthday Laura!!! Have a fabulous day because you deserve it!!!

Hm… I have a million other things to say today. I think that I drank too much coffee this morning. Ok. Firstly…

Printmaking yesterday. Our class is awesome. Because we have to meet twice a week for three hours both days (that’s a looooooong time to be in class) we have a sign up sheet to bring in snacks for the entire class. Yesterday was my day so I brought everyone a big bottle of Acqua Frizzante (obviously), some pretzel-party-mix-type-stuff, some cookie/cracker things, and Nutella to dip them in. Psh. The Nutella was a big hit. I didn’t have confidence in my class in being about to finish the whole bottle but they did! It was almost scraped clean! I’m not really THAT big of a fan of Nutella (I’d take peanut-butter over it anyday), but hey it made the class happy and that’s all that matters.

Marina. I called Reenie yesterday for the first time since I’ve been here and for the first five minutes of our conversation we randomly talked about how Lulu’s sick and blah blah blah… it was a little sad because she didn’t really sounds THAT excited to be talking to me. Then we got on the subject of how the time difference between the two of us was 9 hours and all of a sudden… “TEDDY!” My big sissy didn’t realize she was talking to me!!! Psh. Thanks a lot Rinals. It was good talking to her. AHHH, I miss the little Krim clan and still think they should all trek out here to visit me… Christmas is going to be incredible (even tho Lu definitely isn’t going to recognize me)!!

Manuel. Marilena and I spent all of dinner last night (since we ate w/o the fam) analyzing the weird habits of our host brother. Here’s Manuel in a nutshell: he’s 21 years old and just failed an entrance exam to study at a school in Spain. Now he lives at home and attends the l’Universita` di Firenze. He wakes up around 10ish everyday and literally rolls out of the house in the same clothes that he slept in the night before (cropped, black, sweatpants, that he sags so low that his tighty-whities completely show, usually some sort of hideous rainbow sweater, and fannypack around his waste). He comes home from school around 3ish. He lays on the couch and watches a movie while eating the entire contents of the refrigerator and smoking several hand-rolled cigarettes. He eats dinner with the fam and claims to have some sort of cold/fever/illness. Smokes more. Then heads out with friends (to who knows where) and returns home around 2 or 3AM every morning.

So that’s Manuel. He’s a big freak and only talks to Marilena and me about American movies… yet for some reason she and I are both obsessed with him! The language barrier is a bit of a problem though because whenever we try to joke around with him/flirt with him he takes the things we’re saying seriously.

For example. Last night I was doing my Italian homework and was in NO mood to be doing it soooo I called Manuel and jokingly asked him to do it for me. His response? “I am leaving the house now but put it in my room and I’ll do it for you when I get home. Can I give it back to you tomorrow?” Um. Manuel. I didn’t REALLY want you to do my homework… I just wanted a reason to hang out with you for a while… AAAHHHHHHHH.

Let’s see. What else. Budapest. Hm. Apparently yesterday there were riots in Budapest. Something about civilians STEALING A TANK and 40 people getting injured… hmmm… yea… good to know that NEXT THURSDAY WE’RE GOING TO BUDAPEST! If anyone has some free time can they please research the political situation in Budapest for us? Thanks.

Italian class. Today in Italian I learned more than I have all semester long… good to know that our midterm is on THURSDAY. Today I went from feeling like our Italian class was a big joke to feeling like CRAP I NEED TO STUDY REALLY HARD FOR MY MIDTERM OR ELSE I MIGHT FAIL. Our class was liek, laughing when we walked out of the class because none of us know where to even begin…

Family and Gender. Today was “review day” and I was really relieved because I missed class last Thursday in order to make it to my flight to Ireland… Well. Today on the door of our classroom is a sign that says CLASS IS CANCELLED BUT YOU ALL STILL HAVE A MIDTERM ON THURSDAY. Oh god oh god oh god. Is this a joke? It’s a good thing that I slept for 12 hours last night (I literally fell asleep at 9:00) because I don’t think I’m going to be sleeping for the next two days until my midterms are over. HOWEVER I’m not stressing THAT badly because compared to a lot of other people here my workload is pretty manageable.

For example. This morning I woke up to Marilena scrambling all over our room in a frantic search for, well, everything. Liek, she was stressing out so much that she somehow lost ALL SUPPLIES school related (when seriously, everything was exactly where she had left it the night before)… hehe. My roommate makes me laugh. It’s crazy cuz usually I’M the one scrambling around losing everything… whoa to be the calm one! Good luck getting everything done roomie! If you need me to tell you a joke/give you a massage/drink a glass of wine with you/draw you a cartoon, I’m here for you!

Ok. Enough procrastinating on my part. Back to work!

PS. Dublin entry is STILL in the process of being written! Stay tuned!


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