Thursday, October 12, 2006

Forza Arancione!

Today I left the house at 9:00AM to walk to school and didn’t walk back through the door until 9:00PM… it was a looooong day.

Started off with the usual… Italian class. Today it was even more annoying than normal – it’s liek I notice new things about the class that bother me everyday. AHH! I must say though, our 20 minute “intervallo” (break) half way through the class is awesome. There is a patio outside our classroom and Marilena and I usually plant ourselves on it for the full 20 minutes. Today we stretched out liek cats and tanned; I listened to music and it was nice because it helped me forget how annoyed I was with my class that I have everyday for two hours…

After Italian I had printmaking; today was our last day of dry-point and since I missed the past two classes I was waaaay behind. I really like art classes though because the teachers are usually really flexible about deadlines. My teachers usually just sorta give us instructions and a due date then send us off… if we want to work during class, we can work. If we want to fuck around during class and talk to each other and finish our projects on our own, we can. I have A LOT of work ahead of me this weekend which sucks because I really wanted to either stick around in Rome after our class field trip til Sunday OR take the train up to Venice for the day (since Marilena’ll be up there) on Sunday. Whatever, I guess it’s my fault I’m so behind… maaaaaan.

After class, and after getting into an intense Facebook-message fight which I’m feeling a little bit better about now (but still sorta disturbed that I’m still getting in fights with a boy at HOME, over FACEBOOK… I mean, what?) I went and joined a gym!!! Oh yes, my foot is up and running again, even though I still sorta limp when I walk, and I figured that I might as well get back into the whole exercising thing. Working out today was PAINFUL. It’s been over a month since I’ve walked faster than a snails pace and every single muscle in my body was glad to remind me of that.

Our gym is alright. Most ghetto machines ever, but they get the job done. While I was exercising some odd things happened: firstly, I got bit like 10 times by mosquitos (I was just telling someone the other day that I thought mosquito season was over; ugh); secondly, rather than listening to headphones, the lady next to me plugged in and was blasting a huge boom box – I had to turn up my ipod full volume to drown out the shitty music she was listening to! I mean, c’mon lady… And lastly, I felt like guys were, liek, checking out Marilena and me. At home I’m used to boys at gyms being so overly involved in their routine and their body and their everything that it’s not a big deal to go to the gym and look like crap and sweat your ass off; here I felt like I was being watched the whole time… I didn’t like it but I guess I’m going to have to get used to it? Meeh, oh well.

After the gym we headed back to school then hopped on the bus to the other side of the Arno to cheer on the Santa Clara boys (on the Syracuse team) in the soccer game. SUF has a team that participates in a really small organized league that plays against other study abroad schools in the area. When I first heard about the soccer league I was really excited to play, but then I broke my foot… sooooo yea. Marilena has been promising Ryan FOREVER that we’d go watch one of their games and tonight, since they managed to make it to the finals, we figured it was time to go. I was proud of us for navigating ourselves there on our first try and we even showed up about 10 minutes early. The cheering section for SUF consisted of me, marilena, Kate, Jim, Chris and Navid’s host family, and a few other teachers I’d never seen before.

When we got there it was about 7:00 and it was freezing. Marilena and I were both in our gym clothes (shorts and tank tops) and even though she was brave and sat in the cold in shorts the whole time, I KNEW that if I didn’t change I’d complain for the entire game sooooo, in the middle of the stands I took my shorts off and put jeans on. HAHAHAHAHA – what??? There were only liek 10 people there anyways… I’m in this funk lately where if something isn’t right and I know I’m going to start get annoying about it, I immediately do something to fix it myself.

If the other team hadn’t have been really really really good (they seriously were) we might have won. Okay, it was painful… we couldn’t even score a goal :( Oh well, it looked fun and I was impressed by the boys on our team. Then a lady from our school drove Marilena, Ryan, and I back to school and after waiting with Ryan at the bus stop for his bus, we walked to the grocery store to pick something up for dinner.

God I love the Italian grocery store. There was a little bit confusion though when we tried to buy tomatoes and when we tried to find a jar of pasta sauce (wait, what? They don’t sell jars of pasta sauce? Hmm… what to do…). It ended up working out though – we ate super late and were dead tired afterwards and didn’t have any energy to go out. Aaaaah, I must say though it feels REALLY good to be tired at night. It makes me feel like I had a successful day!!!


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