Monday, October 09, 2006

so they speak Flemish here?

Oct 5 (written Oct 8)
The adventure to Belgium began at the Firenze train station around 4:30 on Thursday afternoon when Laura, Ben, Dan, and I hopped onto an old-ass train to Pisa. The ride was about 1 ½ hours and the trip through the Italian countryside was really beautiful. I felt like I was being awkward and shy (ugh I hate when I do that) but I couldn’t help it because the realization that I was heading off on an adventure in a foreign country, with people that were all already good friends but that I didn’t really know very well, for the whole weekend, freaked me out a little bit. I mean, c’mon. Totally understandable.

On the train we met two girls that went to Duke and were studying in Firenze through NYU – one of the girls was friends with a girl in my Italian class at SUF; it really creeps me out to realize what a small world it is.

We showed up in Pisa three hours before our flight so, liek all the other times in this country when there’s time to be wasted, we bought two bottles of wine, sat outside at the ONLY café that the midge Pisa airport had to offer, and drank the time away. After a while, when the wine was finished and the mosquitoes unbearable, we paraded inside for our tickets. I was stressin out about my plane ticket cuz I was only 50% sure that I had one. When I booked it online I never got a confirmation e-mail/number and only had proof that I had a ticket based on the fact that my credit card got charged… everything turned out fine.

Before we got on the plane, there wasn’t anywhere to sit so we planted ourselves in line, on the floor, against the wall, in everyone’s way… hahaha I hate when people do that. While we were in line I whipped out my ghetto torn out shreds of paper to make notes about our trips so far (I like to remember all the details of everything) and Dan showed me his journal/sketch/everything book and we started talking about writing lyrics and poems and stuff… honestly, until recently I have never considered doing anything like that. I was always kinda into drawing everything I see but now I’ve gotten myself into a habit of writing down all the things I see as well and am considering trying out the whole creative writing thing. I think the problem with my writing style is that I write the exact same way I talk and when I talk I can never sum up how I feel about something in one perfect sentence or phrase. I always feel like I have to use a million words to describe something so that I can be sure the person I’m describing it to understands the whole picture… ok. Focus.

Oh yea… Belgium… the plane ride there had one of those applaud-when-the-plane-touches-down-because-we-all-were-sure-we-were-going-to-die landings. When we got off the plane it was raining, surprise surprise… I was so worked up from the landing of death that I was grateful for the rain and the cold air.

After feeling disappointed that I didn’t get a “Belgium” stamp in my passport but then feeling happy again when I saw a vending machine with waffles in it (!!!) we bought tickets for the bus that took us into Brussels. The ride was about 45ish minutes and by the time we got to Brussels it was almost 1AM.

The taxi from the bus stop to the hotel was kinda weird because the driver, firstly, was speaking a language that we have no idea to this day what it was and secondly, after we were seated comfortably and ready to go he opened the doors and shoved another group of people into the back seat… um, group taxi? After a taxi, then a train, then a plane, then a bus, and another taxi, it felt damn good to finally arrive at our hotel (even though it did take us liek 10 minutes to figure out how to get IN through the front door since it was one of those sliding doors that locks after a certain hour).

We checked in and headed up to our room on the 7th floor – yeaaaa unlike Firenze, Brussels actually had TALL buildings… something about that was oddly refreshing to me. Our room was pretty cool; it was set up like an apartment and had a bedroom (that Laura tapped for she and I the SECOND we walked through the door), a kitchen, a pretty cool view, and a tv room with a fold out couch – happy spooning boys! Haha, ok, so that was kinda mean of us… by the time we got settled it was around 2AM; Laura and I were dead after our day of traveling and spent the rest of the night watching the travel channel (narrated in some unknown language) then passing out while the boys went out to check out the nightlife. Our beds had liek a plastic layer covering the mattress and every time either of us moved there were crunching noises… it was like sleeping in a big diaper. Hahahaha. Sweet dreams Belgium!


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