Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy 12:01 Navid!

After a long, but uneventful day in class, we hit the clubs to celebrate Navid’s 12:01 – his actual birthday is tomorrow. I thought it was his REAL 12:01 but then I found out that he’s only turning 20! Awwwww, Navid’s a baby! Didn’t matter though; there’s no drinking age in Italy and we can do basically whatever we want! Hahahaha.

After drinking a bottle and a half of wine at home before dinner I got up the courage to tell my Italian family, “Una notte nel futuro noi dobbiamo parlare solamente l’italiano perche Marilena ed io sappiamo piu che voi pensate. Io capisco tutti che voi dite molto del tempo ma non mi piace parlare italiano perche parlo lentamente e sono nervosa e ho paura di dire le parole incorette.” (um. Translation: “A night in the future we need to speak only Italian because Marilena and I know more than you think. I understand everything you guys say a lot of the time but I don’t like to speak Italian because I speak slowly and I’m nervous and scared to say the wrong words.”)

Okay. Our family speaks Italian and Spanish fluently and they speak to us 98% of the time in English due to a few things… the girls they had living with them last semester NEVER wanted to try to speak it. Susana and Kike say funny things about them; they say that they spoke English differently than me and Marilena because they “chirped” instead of really opening their mouths like we do. Hahaha. ALSO, Marilena is Italian and our family knows and thinks that because her grandma is Italian SHE can understand/speak way more than I can (we know the exact same). I think they think I’m an English-only, beer drinking, loud laughing, rebellious foot breaking, American party animal. Fabulous. (I’m really not though, liek, not even close).

After dinner, Marilena and i trekked down to the center of Le Cure to get a taxi. It took seriously 15 minutes. It was so weird; usually there are taxis everywhere all the time! Anyways, we ended up meeting all of our friends at the Red Garter (the bar we went to the first night we went out in Firenze). Literally all of SCU was there. It was awesome. Some of our friends played in the beer pong tournament. I danced.

It was nice having our SCU boys on creeper patrol again because the Red Garter has a bunch of them. Seriously, while we were dancing, boys would come up and liek quadruple team me, and tap me on the shoulder, or grab my arm, or put their arms around my waist, and I would be like UMMMMMM HELP! But the second something like this would happen a SCUer would swoop in and the creeper would totally back off; it was pretty cool. I must say though, there were a lot of cute guys there; it’s a very American bar but it attracts a lot of vacationing Europeans as well – I kinda have a thing for blonde ones… hahaha.

Around 11:45ish we left the Red Garter and trekked (with our huge SCU crew) in the direction of the Duomo to find another club to go dancing at. At the Duomo we ran into literally 50 other people from SUF and together we all herded to “Andromeda.” I’m not kidding when I say that we were herding… our group took up the entire street and everyone was loud and drunk and running around everywhere; it was a good time. We arrived at Andromeda with so many people that they waived the cover charge and just let us go prancing in!

The club was pretty cool. Big bar, big dance floor, cool lights, cool sitting areas… I danced the entire time. There wasn’t too bad of a creeper problem at Andromeda because I knew pretty much all the boys that were there since I see them all at school everyday!

Even though I woke up still drunk this morning (probably due to the fact that we were taking shots of vodka and calling the gum we were chewing the chaser…) I had an awesome time! I saw Navid and Kate today when I was ditching my printmaking class and they both looked exhausted but said they had fun last night too.

I took a million pictures and am pretty sad that our internet sucks so much otherwise I’d totally post them up here. I have a lot of pictures posted on Facebook and I’m going to try to figure out the link to my page so that everyone can see what we’ve been up to!


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