Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ho perso la voce!

Yesterday evening started at 5PM and ended at 4AM… I woke up this morning 30 minutes before class with a big headache and no voice but I’m not going to complain because last night was so worth it.

It all started at the mandatory lecture that we had to attend yesterday evening. For some reason, Marilena and I decided it would be a good idea to enjoy a little cocktail during it. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not alcoholics or anything it’s just that the prospect of having to sit in a hot room packed with Syracuse students and teachers to listen to some old guy lecture about his research on gender and the Italian family in contemporary Italy for two hours sounded too painful to endure!

So, after our last classes Marilena and I walked about two miles around school in search of a little store to buy wine at… It’s funny to me that our school is literally in the only part of the country where there are ZERO places to purchase alcohol; coincidence?? Hm. Anyways... after finally finding a place we each paid our 3 euros and shoved our bottles into our backpacks and headed back to school…

Once at school we realized that Syracuse prolly wasn’t going to be down with the two of us taking swigs out of a bottle of wine at THE inaugural lecture of this fall’s lecture series that half the school and teachers were going to attend SO we got creative. After buying two cans of Coke Light we locked ourselves in the school bathroom and spent 15 minutes chugging/emptying our sodas down the drain, opening one of our wine bottles with Marilena’s mini swiss army knife, then pouring the entire contests of the bottle into the two coke cans (I took a video on my camera; the entire time I was cracking up… were we REALLY in the bathroom doing this?!?!).

It was brilliant: two girls sitting in a school lecture sipping wine out of coke cans… no one suspected a thing (except our friends after who noticed we were wasted, haha)!!!

The lecture was less painful than I thought it was going to be though. Paul Ginsborg, a little British man that’s liek THE master of gender studies, was a fantastic speaker. He was very clear and funny and smart… too bad I could care less about gender in contemporary Italy. :)

After our drunken stroll home with my fabulously gay friend Adam and his roommate, and after more wine and dinner with the host fam Marilena and I hopped in a cab and headed down to the Duomo to meet the crew at Robin Hood’s.

A pub crawl was stopped there and the hot Australian guys that were leading it gave us stickers to tag along (it’s crazy how I really don’t pay for anything at nighttime around here). Several drinks and bars later we ended up at a discotek called, “Dolce Zucchero.” God I love dancing!!! Our SCU/Syracuse friends we were with decided to leave around 1ish but Marilena and I weren’t ready to go soooooo we decided to rough it on our own.

Then we ran into Eddy. Eddy is the guy I talked to on our first night out in Firenze that spoke only Italian and gave me his phone number (yea right that I’d ever actually call him). He turned into a total creeper AND WOULDN’T LEAVE US ALONE! Finally these two Canadian guys saw us trying to get rid of him and came to our rescue.

The Canadians turned out to be really cool; we left Dolce Zucchero with them and headed back to Robin Hood’s and were there for so long drinking and chatting that the people that worked there had to kick us out cuz they were closing!

By the time Marilena and I finally got home it was four in the morning… class this morning was painful to say the least. I didn’t open my mouth once (well, halfly cuz nothing would come out anyway since I have a frog voice right now) which prolly wasn’t good considering I was in Italian class… During our break I layed down on the couch outside the room and fell asleep!!! Yay for the weekend -- I can’t believe that it’s already Thursday! Maaan this week went by fast.

Ah – something else to remember: last night in her drunkenness Marilena decided to name her future daughter “Tera Lynn;” hahahahaha, I’m not sure if I should be more disturbed about the fact that she already knows what she wants to name her kids OR the fact that it’s getting named after me! God I love my roomie!


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