Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Una Primavera a Firenze???

I can’t help but feel a little bit bitter that Steph is throwing a “rockstar party” at our house at SCU without me; last year we spent hours and hours trying to convince the boys at Peach to throw one and even had our twin (we always dress like twins at theme parties…) outfits all picked out!!! AH Steph! How could you do this to meeee?!?!? Whatever; not gonna let it get me down because hey! I’m in ITALY – an experience 1000x better than any “rockstar party” ever could be.

Tuesdays = class all day long for 8 hours. Aaaahhh… hm, what to say. I’m not enjoying my classes here as much as I thought I would. The subjects are all really interesting and my teachers are really interesting people BUT there’s a disconnect between the two. None of my teachers are very good at teaching… I sit in class and spend most of my time talking to the people next to me or drawing cartoons. A written conversation between Brittany and I today in Michelangelo went like this:
Me: “The only thing keeping me awake right now is the fact that all of my 20 bug bites are really really itchy right now.”
Brittany: “The only thing keeping ME awake right now is the fact that we’re sitting in the front row.”

A new development has come up recently: the prospect of staying in Italy for spring semester (!!!). I’ve been working on a “To Stay” and a “Not To Stay” list, then gave each reason a ‘significance score’ (1 = a thought, 2 = a pretty significant thought, 3 = a really really really important thought)… yea, I know, tera = dork, but so far I’ve come up with the following:

“To Stay”
1) I LOVE it here… love love love it; often times I feel a little bit happier/content with myself than I do at home or school. <3>
2) I have more than enough credits to be on track/graduate on time. <1>
3) Huge opportunities for my potential art career; if I stay I can get a really great art internship next quarter; I wanted one this semester but decided against it because it would have taken up a lot of my “traveling” time. <3>
4) All the kids that study abroad are usually pretty cool and it’d be nice to meet new people. <1>
5) Caitlin Sullivan’s gonna be here in the spring too. <1>
6) I am healthier here than at home; my diabetes is better, I’m thinner, I eat better, etc. <2>
7) I wake up excited about different things that I have to do EVERYDAY! <2>
Total -- 13

“Not To Stay”
1) I LOVE SCU (well, college in general)! I only have two years left and the thought of missing an entire one makes me really sad. <3>
2) I’ll miss Christmas with my family, New Years (one of my favorite holidays), AND my own 21st birthday… <3>
3) All SCU kids are leaving this quarter and none are going to be here next quarter… it’d be nice to meet new people but at the same time, maybe the fact that a lot of people from school are here is partly why my experience here has been so great already? <3>
4) It’s expensive and I know the money I earned this summer is only going to last me til the end of this semester. <1>
5) This may sound lame but I feel like I’d miss things about Alpha Phi; being here I’ve gotten close to a lot of the girls in my house and together we’ve all gotten really pumped up about all the things we get to do together when we get back. <1>
Total – 11

It’s close… Applications for next quarter are due first week of October which means I have a little bit over a week to decide – AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.


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