Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy 20th Marianne!

November 1

Waking up was horrible. Our room was a mess. We felt like crap. We vowed never to drink vodka (well, okay, 5 euro vodka) ever again.

Somehow we managed to drag ourselves out of bed at a reasonable hour to do the tourist thing cuz that day was our only full day in Barcelona. To relieve the pain that was our whole bodies, we had a mix of Starbucks and McDonald’s for breakfast. It was an exciting moment in my life to realize that the combination of tall, iced, nonfat, chai latte and medium fries really takes hangover pains away… everyone should try it sometime.

Our first attraction for the day was the Picasso Museum. After a quick metro, then a long walk in circles down small, dark, allies, we managed to cling onto a big posse of tourists all heading toward the museum. The area that the Picasso Museum was located in looked more like what I imagined Spain to look like. Rather than being dirty-gross-downtown-LA type city, it was full of little streets and tall apartment buildings.

The museum was cool. Even though I think I’ve seen a few traveling Picasso exhibits in the past, and this one didn’t have any of his really well-known pieces, it was still worth it. There are a few things I love about Picasso: at age 15 he was painting in a style that I’d KILL to paint like at any point during my life. When he was depressed during his “blue period” he literally painted everything blue. He did about 60 studies of Velasquez’ “Las Meninas,” and this museum had a BUNCH of them which was really cool cuz we saw Velasquez’ original “Las Meninas” only a few days before in Madrid! His porn sketches entertained Kate and me for a good 20 minutes. We walked by the “shrinking bed” painting about 6 times and the bed REALLY did shrink and enlarge as you moved to different viewpoints. He mastered the classics and impressionism and even created an entirely new art technique that had a HUGE impact on art from there on out… Picasso was a total freak, but also a total genius.

We got in trouble about 10 times while in the museum for “going the wrong way,” “standing in the aisles,” and “talking too loud,” even though EVERYONE ELSE in the museum was going every which way, standing right in the middle of the walkways, AND talking just as loud as we were..

At one point Marilena was reading to us from Rick’s book about one of the rooms in the museum and a random lady came up to us and was like, “SH! THIS IS A MUSEUM.” Um. Duh lady. I think she was just jealous of us… I mean, she had to go to the museum all alone. Prolly cuz she has no friends… whatever though, that’s not a good enough excuse for her to come be a big bitch to us.

After a quick stop in the gift shop, Kate navigated us to our next destination: The Barcelona Chocolate Museum.

Unfortunately it was a big disappointment. Don’t go if you’re in Barcelona; it’s a waste of 3 euros. The coolest thing I remember was a lifesize copy of Michelangelo’s ‘Pieta’ … CARVED OUT OF CHOCOLATE! I bought Steph/wife/best friend some truffles and am really hoping that they’re not really gnarly by the time I finally get back to SCU… in two months… crap, they’re going to be gross huh? I’m retarded.

After the Chocolate Museum and getting really lost and still not being able to get a hold of Chris to try to get my phone back (which I REALLY did lose the night before… I was being serious that time when I said I lost it, guys), we decided we wanted to spice up our day and head to Museo Erotica. Rick mentions this sex museum in his travel book, then I found a pamphlet with a map and directions to it at the Chocolate Museum and figured it’d be pretty cool. As I was leading my friends down the abandoned dark alley that the map said to go down we were all a little nervous and thought we were for sure going to get kidnapped.

Well, we DID find the museum and unfortunately, it was closed?! What?!? Boooo… then it occurred to us that it was November 1st, which is All Saints Day, which is, liek, THE most religious holiday in Spain. God, we wanted to go to a sex museum on the most religious day of the year. Heh; hell anyone?

So then we trekked back up Las Ramblas, ate a delicious lunch at Subway, and I FINALLY got in contact with the guys that had my phone (thank god I didn’t freaking lose it!). Amelia and I hopped on the metro to go claim it. At their apartment we went up seriously 1 million stairs – wow, I have NO memory of going up THAT many stairs the night before!

The afternoon siesta once we got back was FABULOUS. The four of us literally slept for three hours.

That evening we planned on meeting up with Marianne and some other people to go out for her birthday dinner (HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY MARIANNE!). It was an SCU/Alpha Phi reunion. After finishing several bottles of really cheap wine (so much for never drinking again) we walked to a restaurant “near” (but really about 20 blocks away from) her apartment. Our group consisted of nine people, eight of which were SCU (we love you Amelia). It was the four of us, Marianne, Kathryn, Megan (who had flown in for the weekend from Paris), Hiliare, and Kelsey. Dinner was fun (and super cheap) and I love Megan; she was full of gossip and cracked me up the entire time.

After dinner we headed to a bar called “Pippermint.” It was full of SCUers when we got there; hahaha I love our school. Marianne bought us a gigantic cup of beer. Literally though, the cup was about two feel tall that held, liek, 5 liters of beer. It took 10 girls, drinking out of 10 straws, for about 30 minutes straight, to finish it! By the time we DID finish it, Marilena and I cut ourselves off for the evening (em, there were going to be NO repeats of the evening before…).

God I had so much fun at this bar:
-we had an A Phi reunion complete with group pics and a hottie tottie (I wish Ange and Rachel coulda been there though).
-Ryan called me but unfortunately couldn’t make it to hang out with us cuz Pippermint was kinda in the middle of nowhere. Whatever, i'm assuming now that we’ll randomly run into each other somewhere down the line. Haha.
-A boy that none of us had ever met from our SUF program was at the same bar as us – crazy.
-Boys we met about a month ago in Capri were at the same bar as us – crazy again.
-I decided that I approve of Marilena’s friend Dave cuz, even though we’ve met three times now, he was finally not being a big douche bag and is actually pretty cool.
-Scott Harding is my new favorite person; we got stuck sitting together for about two hours and he entertained me the whole time with his dance moves.
-Marianne and I decided we must be related since we’re both Philipino AND have a trip planned for sometime in the near future to return to the homeland and get in touch with our roots.
-ALSO, Marianne and I signed in mouse sign language from across the bar to each other all night; I love her.
-I took a bajillion pictures and will post them on Facebook shortly

After our cab ride home we were DEAD TIRED… getting in at 2:30AM on a night you weren’t planning on going out at all is pretty impressive if I do say so myself.


Blogger peaches said...

i am creepily reading your blog in my statistics class right now. and i really love you too, and i miss our mouse language

12:49 PM  

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