Tuesday, November 14, 2006

ciao mama e papa!

November 13

This morning started out really annoying. In Italian there is this girl that thinks that she owns the entire class. She shows up 10 minutes late EVERYDAY. She leave 10 minutes early EVERYDAY. She thinks she speaks Italian really well, but doesn’t. Her phone rings at least once during class everyday… she silences it, and it rings again EVERYDAY. She misses at least one day of class a week THEN complains and makes the entire class stop so that the teacher can explain to her things we all learned the day that she missed. She takes 10 minutes of class everyday to tell stories about herself and her “fiancé” that none of us give a shit about. The day that we had to discuss abortion she made really controversial statements that offended half the people in our class. She doesn’t say hi to us when we see her outside of class…. WHO THE HELL DOES THIS CHICK THINK SHE IS?!? Today every single one of those things annoying things that I just listed off happened. I wanted to pick up her skinny body and ugly clothes and throw her out the window.

Printmaking today went well; it was a slow day because I had to put my plate in the acid… and wait. Then, take it out of the acid and cover sections with stop-out varnish, wait for it to dry, put it in the acid and wait again… over and over again, for three hours. Jackie made some awesome guacamole for snack today though; at least it made the waiting part kinda enjoyable.

I met up with my mom and dad around 4ish and gave them a quick tour of Villa Rossa. They loved it! My mom took like 30 pictures. After we walked down to San Lorenzo to go shopping; unfortunately all the stands were all closed and cleaned up for the day sooo we weren’t able to do any shopping. It’s okay though; I was EXHAUSTED today (maybe from staying up too late last night after drinking waaay too much coffee and eating waaay too many scones). We spent the evening in their hotel which had THE most fantastic view of the Duomo I’ve ever seen. It was incredible. I took a little siesta on my mom’s midge bed (their room had twin beds in it! Hahahaha) then the three of us went up to the bar on the roof for some appetizers. I ate so much cheese that I thought I might blow up. Tomorrow’s a two-a-day, that’s for sure.

It was hard to say goodbye to my parents; I’m so happy that they came to visit me. I had an incredible time with them like I always do. CIAO MAMA E PAPA!

Right now Marilena and I are just chillin our room playing solitaire. Yesss.

Ugh… my tummy hurts from eating too much cheese. :(


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