Thursday, November 30, 2006

the usual

Nov 29
It was clear today but the air temperature was about 10 degrees (that’s maybe 45? 50?). I always shower in the morning and as I’m walking to school get really mad at myself for wearing my hair out wet since it always makes me about 10 degrees colder than my already freezing self.

For my 20 minute break between Italian and Printmaking I bought myself a beer at a near by grocery store – it only costed 30 cents! No one would be able to resist that… it was nice to tune out and drink my beer and download my music during my lunch break. I might have to do that everyday…

I just found out that next week we have a student art show and our teacher is requiring all of us to submit two prints from this semester... i'm a little bit dissapointed because even though i have learned a lot about technique and style, nothing i've made is really that great since i'm still trying to figure out how to actually DO everything. I'm a total perfectionist when it comes to my art and i'm not happy about having to display stuff that i don't think is exactly the way i want it to be. UGH.

I only spent about 20 minutes at the gym this afternoon. A combination of a low blood sugar and really bad stomach pains made me decide to call it a day and head home.

I’m still upset about El Sombrero. I talked to my friend at SCU about it and his response was, “Don’t worry, just have Chipotle instead.” Um. No. If he had said that to my face I would have slapped him. I think I’m in phase #2 of grieving because this made me really really angry. Wait, isn’t that right? Phase #1 is sadness, 2 is anger, 3 is depression, and 4 is acceptance? Something like that? Watever, I’m def angry.


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