Wednesday, December 06, 2006

In Italian please?

Dec 6
The weather report for Interlaken this weekend looks crappy: rain and cold on Friday, snow and cold on Saturday, then clouds and cold on Sunday. Meeh, whatever. I’m still really excited because about 60 kids from SUF are going (majority SCUers I assume) and even if there’s nothing for us to do we can all just hang out and party together for our last free weekend before we head into finals and packing for home. Unfortunately it’s looking like snowboarding isn’t going to happen because, well, Interlaken doesn’t even HAVE snow yet! What? I thought the Alps always had snow… hm…

Today is a mellow one again. I actually plan on doing work this afternoon. I know, what?! Me?!? Work?!?! I told my famiglia Italiana that this morning and they laughed at me and thought I was joking. Yup, they still think I’m stupid. Fabulous.

Last night, I scolded the fam because they ALWAYS speak Spanish to each other! It takes me twice as long to understand what they’re saying in Spanish than when they speak Italian (which makes eavesdropping really difficult) AND in Italian class lately I’ve been mixing up Spanish and Italian words sooooo I told them that the Spanish has got to stop. Solamente parlate Italiano per due settimane! This morning at breakfast they kept messing up and switching to Spanish. I had to yell at them, liek, three times!

Hey, it’s pretty cool that I can recognize the difference between the two the second they start speaking…

Let’s see… what else can I say about today? Oh, I’m buying a new shampoo and toothpaste since the bitches at the Amsterdam airport confiscated mine. Oh, and I’m packing for Svizzera. And um… yea, that’s it. CIAO!


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