Monday, December 18, 2006

l'ultimo giorno di classe!

Dec 14
I remember now why I hate taking adderal. The next morning I always wake up feeling like I went out drinking the night before and my jaw is always sore from the teeth-grinding I don’t notice myself doing the entire time I’m on it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t always take the stuff… there have actually only been a few desperate occasions where I have in order to get a huge amount of work done all at once. Yesterday was one such occasion.

After waiting two hours for Incubus to download to my computer I sat for three and a half hours straight and whipped up a paper about a topic that I knew very little about this morning. One paper down, one to go!

Today was our official last day of class! Italian only lasted for about 40 minutes; we spent the time reviewing for our final coming up next Wednesday. It shouldn’t be too bad. I’ve already started making an outline and am sure that if I spend a few hours going over it then I’ll have all the grammar and vocab down.

The internet was down at school today; add that to the list of reasons why I think that Syracuse University in Florence sucks… the internet is down during finals week??? They didn’t know when it would be fixed either. Ugh. Annoying.

To waste the two hours that we had between Italian and Fam and Gender Marilena and I splurged and walked downtown to buy ourselves Oil Shoppe for lunch. MMMM… I’m really going to miss my turkey with sun-dried tomatoes, parmasean, artichokes, spinach, regular tomatoes, pesto, oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper on a wheat roll…

Anyways, we headed back to Villa Rossa afterwards and ate lunch out in the courtyard. It was a beautiful day today! The sky was clear, the sun was out, and even though it was freezing cold I felt very content.

In Family and Gender this afternoon we had THE most interesting discussion that we’ve had all semester long. The talk was about contemporary arguments in Italy over whether or not gay couples should receive rights the same as a married heterosexual couple (hm, apparently the ENTIRE world is struggling with that right now). We watched (well, started watching a film) about a woman whose husbad of 15 years dies. After he dies, she discovers that he had a male lover for 7 years… god. That would SUCK.

Anyways, the lecture/discussion that we had as a class afterwards was really great and my teacher actually, for the first time, did a fabulous job as the moderator of it. Usually she stands in front of the class and tells us what the right opinion to have about a concept is and doesn’t accept our own interpretations of things (which is why we all hate her) – but her attitude today was awesome. It figures that it was the last class… what the hell?

YAY FOR THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOOOOOLLL (and the parties that go along with it)!

After class Marilena and I headed down towards San Lorenzo to do some last minute Christmas shopping before we start packing our bags for home. I am going to miss San Lorenzo shopping so much when I finally get home.

At 3:30 we went to the Odeon Theatre and bought tickets to see the film, “Marie Antionette.” If you haven’t seen this film, don’t waste your money. When it first started I didn’t even think that we were in the correct theater because the music that it opened with and the font that the actors’ names were written in were totally inconsistent with the subject of the film. Though the costumes, make-up, and cinematography were absolutely incredible the movie lacked a plot. Liek, literally. The story was so bad (and completely absent from the film) that half the time I didn’t even know what was going on! Marilena and I spent about 45 minutes afterwards talking about the bajillion things that were totally retarded about it.

Before our walk home we sold back our books to Paperback Exchange. When I first got here three months ago I bought a book (that I only read the first chapter of) for my Michaelangelo class (that I ended up dropping) for 45euro… I got 6.50 euro for it. Ugh, places always screw you over with that kind of stuff. Whatever, I needed some money for wine tonight… 6.50 is MORE than enough!

Omigod I forgot to open the door on the advent calendar today!


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