So I’ve decided that Tuesdays are for sure the hardest days of the week. I have class for 7 ½ hours straight every Tuesday: Italian for 2 hours, Italian Family and Gender for 2 hours, then Michelangelo for 3 hours. AND that fact that I have a huge headache and upset stomach from going out last night didn’t help time go by any faster. Last night Marilena and I met up with the usual SCU crew at Robin Hood’s Tavern (we love that bar and it helps that the bartender loves all of us). After a few drinks and pictures we decided to walk to Space Electronica – it’s sposed to be this really cool discotek but none of us really knew where it was. Well, for some reason I have it in my head that I don’t need crutches anymore and decided to go out that night without them. It took over 25 minutes to get there… I was limping the whole time and cussing at myself for not bring my old lady poles with me. After getting lost liek 8 times we FINALLY made it and OMIGOD IT WAS SO MUCH FREAKING FUN!
Discoteks work weird around here: when you go in you don’t pay but you get a ticket. The ticket is good for one free drink at the bar and THEN when you’re LEAVING you have to pay the 5 euro cover charge. They sorta mentioned this at orientation; I guess if you lose your ticket while you’re inside they charge you something like 60 euro to get out. I dunno, I think it’s a pretty cool system.
Dancing was incredible! My foot was dead this morning when I woke up but I think it was totally worth it. The SCU boys we were with were on “creeper patrol.” Everytime some guy even approached any of us on the dance floor Bravo, or Navid, or Chris was there a second later to scare them away. It was pretty cool to not have to worry about creepers. Thanks boys!
So I’ve felt pretty gross today. The walk to school was painful, the throbbing in my head was painful, sitting in class was painful, reading “pete is no longer in a relationship” was painful… ? I know, what? I think that I got dumped today and I’m kinda confused about it. I’m not really sure what brought that on. I know I called him last night when we got home and I got upset because he pulled one of the “you sound tired, you should go to sleep” lines. Um HELLO! I am calling you from ITALY… iiiitttaaaaaalllllyyyyyy. I mean, seriously, i LOVE calling people at home because they always seem so excited to hear from me. everyone is like that except pete who acts more like he’s confused that I’m even calling him. This is the guy who, only a little over a week ago, stayed up late so that he could call me to say good morning… ? What? Ugh. It’s things like this that make me feel so stupid for wasting so much time this summer making that stupid book. It kills me.
My advice for anyone that goes abroad: completely cut off your boyfriend before you go or bring him with you otherwise you’ll end up feeling confused and disappointed like me.
I’ve been so upset that I haven’t been able to eat more that some crackers over the past few days (good and bad) and mia mama keeps asking me if I’m ok… haha, even if I wasn’t ok I’m for sure not gonna let it bring down my time here.
My third class of the day is Michelangelo; it’s once a week from 3-6 in THE hottest room in the whole building (liek literally hot… I sweat my but off sitting there). Anyways after “coffee break” (we have coffee break in every class) our teacher was like “now I’m going to read you guys a little bit out of a book I wrote.” What?! YOU’RE reading us a book that YOU wrote? Cool! Well… he ended up reading us the WHOLE book. I wanted to lay down on the floor and fall asleep; actually had I not had 8 million things to sort out in my mind I prolly would have. It wasn’t even about his art; it was about his bank accounts and investments and stuff… art historians are such stalkers.
Oh! Quick note – highlight of my day yesterday: in printmaking class we had to make two prints then put them up on the wall for a class critique and for the first time since I started that class my teacher had very very very good things to say about my prints!!! YAY. I was freaking out because it was taking me a while to catch on…
But um… yea, I think that’s all for today. Time to walk home (with my granny crutches).
PS. The mother of all spiders bit me last night and now I have what looks like a tumor the size of a small hamster on my hip. Nice.
Another thing. If you haven’t noticed I am VERY open about what I write in this blog. This is my journal of my trip and I’m going to put anything and everything in it. Ok that’s all for reals this time. :)